Saturday 7 March 2026
Two Days To Go!
Two days to go until Motatapu 2025! We hope you are all as excited as us! Here are some important reminders. Weather Update for Race Day Northwest winds will be strong throughout Saturday over exposed sections of the course (the Rab Ultra Run ridges, especially over Roses Saddle and dropping down to Macetown), with winds expected to peak in the afternoon. Conditions are expected to keep dry across the course during the morning with only a low chance of light rain falling from high cloud. Occasional rain is expected to develop in the afternoon, most likely in the evening when a front is expected to cross over between 6pm and midnight. Moderate temperatures are expected on Saturday. The warm northwest winds mean fairly mild overnight low between 12-14C is forecast for Arrowtown and Glendhu Bay. In the valley sections, temperatures are looking to peak in the afternoon between 22-25C, despite the cloud expected over the area. The elevated routes will be 6-8C lower. Mandatory Gear Mandatory Gear lists can be found here. Please ensure you have everything you need. Officials will randomly check gear at any point during the event, including at the start and finish line. If you are not carrying your mandatory gear, you will not be starting the race or will be disqualified. For events which have ‘cold weather kit’ on their mandatory gear list (these are the Mondraker MTB event, UDC Finance Miners Trail and Allpress Espresso Marathon) this is NOT required. But we do want you to note, this decision is still up to you. So if you know you get cold easily maybe consider still bringing those layers. Recreational E-Bikers Please remember your category is NOT A RACE. We are stoked to have you join us in the valley, but please be respectful of the competitive non-EBike categories and when passing others. The earliest start time for the Recreational EBikers is from 8:30am and all athletes must have started on course by 8:45am.Reminder of the EBike-Specific Rules. Rab Ultra Athletes InfoBETWEEN ROSES SADDLE AND MACETOWN (CHECKPOINT D). The low/normal river route is compulsory for all athletes. A reminder that the course is across a DoC walking track which is part of Te Araroa, the track will have walkers across it in both directions. Please be courteous to all trail users. Race Bib + Free Stuff!Not only is your race bib a great souvenir from the event, it also gets you some cool free stuff! Pop along to the Emersons Bar for a refreshing beverage, PURE Sports Nutrition team for your gel and grab your yummy Em’s Power Cookie from the recovery zone in the Finish Line. FinisherPix Photo Packages Pre-orders have now closed, but you can view all photos from your day by Sunday afternoon.If you pre-ordered a photo package, you will be emailed the link directly (check your spam folder). Please allow 24hrs after the race for the photos to be live on their website. Race ResultsThese will be posted on our website and available via the Motatapu App. Good luck <<First Name>> for your race day and we look forward to celebrating with you in Arrowtown! |
Review Your Important Event-Specific Athlete NewsletterIf you’re a recent entry or you want to refresh yourself with your event’s important information, please have a read of the athlete newsletter that was sent last Monday 17 February. |
Accident Response |
Given the number of competitors on the course relative to the number of support crew, it is likely that in an accident or emergency, you or a fellow competitor may reach that person before the support crews do. If so, you should proceed as follows: 1. FIRST ON SCENE: If you are the first on the scene please stop and assist the injured/distressed competitor & gather as much information as possible. 2. NEXT ON SCENE: Talk to first on scene then proceed to the nearest radio (Aid Station / Medic / 4WD / Tail End Charlie / some Marshalls) to report the situation (even if that means returning the way you came) so we can get expert help on the scene ASAP. 3. OTHERS ON SCENE: Stop to see if any assistance can be offered and proceed if not. If you assist please take a note of the time you spend assisting the injured person and we may be able to credit your final race time, after verifying it, of course! The event takes place in the mountains and in any alpine situation you are the person primarily responsible for your own safety. While we have a dedicated medical team, given the backcountry nature of the event, there may not be someone immediately nearby to assist you. |
Clean, Check, Dry – Prevent the Spread! |
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Didymo and other freshwater pests, like lagarosiphon, gold clam, and salvinia, pose a significant threat to New Zealand’s ecosystems. These pests spread easily and can severely impact waterways, disrupting habitats of freshwater plants and animals, diminishing recreational use of rivers and lakes, and potentially affecting the suitability of waterways for future events. These organisms can be invisible to the naked eye and spread via a single drop of water or a small leaf fragment. It is illegal to knowingly transfer these organisms. We are working with the Otago Regional Council to support the Check, Clean, Dry campaign. There are two decontamination pits at the exit of the finish line. All competitors will walk through them to help prevent the spread of freshwater pests in our waterways. We encourage everyone to always Check, Clean, Dry when moving around any waterways in New Zealand. Thank you to Otago Regional Council for assisting us with this. |

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